Data processing unit (DPU)

УОД настенного исполнения

Certificate of conformity №РОСС RU.0001.01АЭ00.40.10.0992, valid till 07.04.2013

interaction between upper-level program-technical complex of radiation monitoring system (RMS) and lower-level equipment (measuring, executive, control, and other)/

Main features and functions:

  • connection and connection control with lower-level RMS equipment
  • measuring information receipt from lower-level RMS equipment, including data on parameter thresholds exceeding and parameter values reliability.
  • event data receipt from lower-level RMS equipment
  • diagnostic data receipt from lower-level RMS equipment
  • control data transfer to executive devices via RS232/422/485 and/or Ethernet interface
  • obtained data processing, data reliability evaluation, data formatting, calculation of required parameters according to specified algorithms
  • acoustic and light alarm control
  • local archive maintenance
  • local data representation (if display is set)

Performance specification

Operating temperature range

+5 to +50 °С

Operating pressure range

84 to 106,7 kPа

Operating humidity range

95 % at +25 °C

Protection index


Seismic stability

up to 8 points

Corresponds to 3N class requirements according to NP-001-97 (OPB-88/97)

Power supply

~220 V

Power consumption

500 VA

Dimensions, weight

132,5х 300,0х482,4 mm; not more than 20 kg



      • nonredundant/redundant power source
      • installation kit ( Euromechanica crate / 19'' form factor installation / wall mounting)
      • number of 10/100BaseT interfaces
      • number of serial interfaces RS485
      • multimode/single-mode fiber-optic interfaces