14a, Marks av., Obninsk
Tel +7 484 394-97-16, Fax: +7 484 394-97-68
Marketing and Sales Department: +7 484 394-97-16
Tel +7 484 394-97-16, Fax: +7 484 394-97-68
Marketing and Sales Department: +7 484 394-97-16
RADICO activity is licensed by the Federal agency for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision of the Russian Federation in the following fields:
- construction of nuclear power plants in the execution of the works and services of the operating organization during the installation and commissioning of equipment Radiation Monitoring Systems (license ЦО-03-101-8290)
- works on plant units reconstruction, modernization and repair (license ЦО-03-101-5205)
- production, completing and delivery of electrotechnical and electronic equipment to nuclear power plants (license ЦО-12-101-5204)
- entrepreneurial activity for the production of test equipment; installation of control and process control (uvedomlenie 120СИ0002420512)
- nuclear plant design and engineering (license ЦО-10-101-7604)
- execution of works using state secret information (license ГТ №0057199)
- building complexes, which contain radioactive substances that are located outside the territory of the nuclear installation (license ЦО-02-210-7261) in the part of the operations and services of the operating organization
- building complexes with a nuclear research reactor (license ЦО-02-108-7260) in the part of the operations and services of the operating organization
- work to develop and manufacture the protection of confidential information (license №1190)
- design and construction of storage facilities for nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste in the execution of the works and services of the operating organization (license ЦО-10-301-7728)
- design and construction of radiation sources and storage of radioactive substances in the execution of the works and services of the operating organization (license ЦО-10-205-6547)
- activities in the field of ionizing radiation sources (generating) (license №Л.000072.10.12)
RADICO is a member of self-regulatory non-commercial partnership “Association of companies participating in construction, reconstruction and capital repair of nuclear objects” “SOJUZATOMSTROI”, confirmed by Competence Certificate of certain work types that affect safety of capital construction objects №СРО-С-016-00570/1-05042013; and “SOJUZATOMPROEKT”, confirmed by Competence Certificate of certain work types that affect safety of capital construction objects №СРО-П-010-00204-07122012