14a, Marks av., Obninsk
Tel +7 484 394-97-16, Fax: +7 484 394-97-68
Marketing and Sales Department: +7 484 394-97-16
Tel +7 484 394-97-16, Fax: +7 484 394-97-68
Marketing and Sales Department: +7 484 394-97-16
Spectrum Analysis Monitor SAM201K
For supplies to the Republic of Lithuania, the Ukraine
Produced by Mirion Technnologies
The SAM201K has been developed to detect gamma radiations and provide gamma spectra analysis with identification of isotopes.
- Wide measurement range
- Can be used for various types of application
- Minimal periodic maintenance
- 1E qualification and embedded safety related software
- Effluent release monitoring
- Operational process monitoring